Thomas Farnbacher

Movement, Play and Human Development

Norsk Forbund for Autoriserte Feldenkraispedagoger (NFAFP) arrangerer

Movement, Play and Human Development

Lørdag og søndag 16 og 17. mars 2024

I Oslo

A Feldenkrais Method workshop conducted by

Thomas Farnbacher.

Praktisk informasjon

Kurs i Feldenkraismetoden lørdag og søndag 16 og 17. mars 2024 i regi av NFAFP, undervist av Thomas Farnbacher.

Tid og dato: 16 og 17. mars 2024 kl. 09.30 – 16.00.

Sted: Rom for Dans
Marstrandgata 8, 0566 Oslo
(Inngang: Stockholmgata)

Full pris: 3400 kr.
Rabatt for tidlig påmelding før 1. februar: 2600 kr.
Rabatt for studenter, uføre, pensjonister: 2600 kr.

Du melder deg på via skjemaet på denne siden.

Thomas Farnbacher

About Thomas Farnbacher

Thomas directs FELDENKRAIS® trainings, leads post graduates seminars, and public workshops, and works as a practitioner for individual lessons (Functional Integration) including for special needs children.  His professional background is in physical therapy, working with special needs children, martial arts, dance, and massage.

In the fields of somatics, salutogenesis and body-oriented psychotherapy, “Educating the Educator” became his most inspired occupation. The most satisfying for him is to see people thriving and becoming more and more embodied-being more and more of their own selves.

Påmelding gjøres via epostskjemaet på nettsiden, her.

Tlf . 932 17 240

Ta med matte/liggeunderlag og et håndkle.

The event is finished.


Mar 16 - 17 2024


9:30 am - 4:00 pm


3.400 kr

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Rom for dans


Rom for dans
Marstrandgate 8, 0566 Oslo
NPAFP Norway


NPAFP Norway
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  • Thomas Farnbacher
    Thomas Farnbacher

    Thomas directs FELDENKRAIS® trainings, leads post graduates seminars, and public workshops, and works as a practitioner for individual lessons (Functional Integration) including for special needs children. His professional background is in physical therapy, working with special needs children, martial arts, dance, and massage.
    In the fields of somatics, salutogenesis and body-oriented psychotherapy, “Educating the Educator” became his most inspired occupation. The most satisfying for him is to see people thriving and becoming more and more embodied-being more and more of their own selves.